Tamaño: 40x70x1,5 cm
Hecho de FIBRA DE COCO, un sustrato orgánico, 100% natural y renovable. Base de PVC.
La fibra de coco presenta una excelente capacidad de retención de agua y aireación, por lo que es el material ideal para garantizar un felpudo increíblemente práctico y muy duradero. Absorbente de la humedad y retiene la suciedad del calzado.
Tamaño: 40x70x1,5 cm
Hecho de FIBRA DE COCO, un sustrato orgánico, 100% natural y renovable. Base de PVC.
La fibra de coco presenta una excelente capacidad de retención de agua y aireación, por lo que es el material ideal para garantizar un felpudo increíblemente práctico y muy duradero. Absorbente de la humedad y retiene la suciedad del calzado.
Size: 40x70x1.5 cm
Made of COCONUT FIBER, an organic, 100% natural and renewable substrate. PVC base.
Coconut fibre has excellent water retention and aeration capacity, making it the ideal material to guarantee an incredibly practical and very durable doormat. It absorbs moisture and retains dirt from footwear.
Size: 40x70x1.5 cm
Made of COCONUT FIBER, an organic, 100% natural and renewable substrate. PVC base.
Coconut fibre has excellent water retention and aeration capacity, making it the ideal material to guarantee an incredibly practical and very durable doormat. It absorbs moisture and retains dirt from footwear.
Size: 40x70x1.5 cm
Made of COCONUT FIBER, an organic, 100% natural and renewable substrate. PVC base.
Coconut fibre has excellent water retention and aeration capacity, making it the ideal material to guarantee an incredibly practical and very durable doormat. It absorbs moisture and retains dirt from footwear.
Size: 40x70x1.5 cm
Made of COCONUT FIBER, an organic, 100% natural and renewable substrate. PVC base.
Coconut fibre has excellent water retention and aeration capacity, making it the ideal material to guarantee an incredibly practical and very durable doormat. It absorbs moisture and retains dirt from footwear.
Size: 40x70x1.5 cm
Made of COCONUT FIBER, an organic, 100% natural and renewable substrate. PVC base.
Coconut fibre has an excellent water retention and aeration capacity, making it the ideal material to guarantee an incredibly practical and very durable doormat. It absorbs moisture and retains dirt from footwear.
Size: 40x70x1.5 cm
Made of COCONUT FIBER, an organic, 100% natural and renewable substrate. PVC base.
Coconut fibre has excellent water retention and aeration capacity, making it the ideal material to guarantee an incredibly practical and very durable doormat. It absorbs moisture and retains dirt from footwear.